Virtuous circle & Self-driven

Virtuous circle & Self-driven
Photo by Andrew Draper / Unsplash

When I was working in Amazon several years ago, I attended internal training lectures, many of which mentioned well-known Amazon flywheels. It's been guiding Amazon towards right direction for years successfully. Obviously it's a typical instance of virtuous circle of a company.

亚马逊飞轮理论/效应– 亚马逊妈妈

This model should work on individuals as well. I clearly experience the benefit of virtuous circle during school time. But recent years, thing have went bad and uncontrolled. When I tried to ask myself the reason behind it, I always concluded with LAZINESS. Is it the essence? Perhaps. However I'd liked to review it a little bit differently.

When we talk about virtuous circle, we are actually implying closed loop. The sustainability of the virtuous circle depend on stability of the closed loop.

As with Amazon, it increases its customers number, selection number, sellers number. It in turn raises its bar of online & offline technique. Finally its services become better and attracts more customers & sellers. Personally, what it also means is that the improvements of all aspects are triggered spontaneously. For example, the invention of AWS isn't due to existence of other cloud services, but due to its own demand. Its closed loop is stable.

Well as with me in school time, cases are not the same. I learnt hard because society told me to. I tried to get high scores in exams because all the other students in the country were trying to do the same. If I saw my score decreases or others' increase, well I got new initiative. I got good/bad feedback from classmates / teachers / parents etc., except from myself. The loop seems closed and firm, while it's actually not. This loop was composed by the whole exam system and me. The “loop” vanishes when these two are no longer counterparts. The issue of this situation is I didn't own my closed loop, instead I depend on environment heavily. Environment doesn't always cooperate, even though it may do at the beginning. For example when I leave exams and score, I lost much source of accomplishment. This happened abruptly after I said goodbye to algorithm contest activities.

The key to make one's own closed loop is Self-driven. Self-driven is not just working hard to accomplish tasks at hand. In my opinion it should cover several aspects:

  1. Making choice that can convince yourself;
  2. Working hard on the way your choice indicates;
  3. Gain sense of accomplishment from the bottom of your heart, instead of anywhere else.

Obvious I did quite bad for 1 & 3, and have been sucked with 2 in recent years. If I don't trust the meaning of my work at hand, why should I work hard? I have to admit even now I'm incapable to make choice that can convince myself on big map. And I have to admit I had been too lucky in early life. Without big frustrations, I'm alway gain "confidence" from others' feedback. Put it simple, in fact I just lack real confidence, because I used to live happily without it for a long time! When obstacles are in the way, I doubt myself easily.

In this cooperative society, you just can't expect as many compliments as before. You need to first trust yourself before trusting your choices. Perhaps many people learnt this lesson very early when they met big frustrations in their early life, which made them strong and brave. Meanwhile I'm just a newbie on the way.

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iPhone 8 Plus

我于2014.10从Android叛变开始使用iPhone 6 Plus。时至今日,由于iOS 11的荼毒,6p已经不能正常用于各种日常操作了。无论是拿着扫码枪的焦急的收银员,还是不知是好是坏的ofo,等待他们的永远都有十秒左右的STW。刚好双11各种网站iPhone大促,iPhone X没啥活动,8却有不少折扣。我用惯了5.5',也出于续航考量,就在京东下手了一个8p。使用几天下来,分享一下从6p切换过来的心得。 重量尺寸 6p重量是172g,8p重量是202g,涨幅17.4%; 6p厚度是7.1mm,8p厚度是7.5mm,涨幅5.6%; 刚拿在手上的第一刻是不接受的。还好多日使用后,也就习惯了。 耳机 最操蛋的就是3.5mm耳机孔没有了,虽然送了一个"3.5mm座转Lightning头"的的转接器,然而卵用并不大。首先插拔那个3.5mm转接器的力道相当紧,两边线又非常柔弱,肯定不能经常插拔。

By Han


序号 日期 地点 到达医院时间 挂号时间 看病时间 号别 主治医师 治疗细节 X光辐射伤害 费用(挂号费除外) 1 2017.10.16 南京市第一医院 八点多 八点多 九点多 普通号 张凤格 被我描述左下7号牙疼误导,误诊为没毛病,让我回家观察。(实际为左下6号牙有问题) 2 2017.10.17 南京市第一医院 9:20am 9:30am 11:00am 专家号 蔡琴 拍X片,结论“髓角过高”。草草决定进行根管治疗。蔡大夫没空,马护士帮我钻掉蛀牙部分,并清理根管。 1 290.4 3

By Han